In accordance with General Data Protection Regulations – 2018 – consent is required to keep your personal information on the Clubs database.
The information provided will be used only in connection with the running of the Clubs activities including the issue of a Monthly Newsletter (Torque Magazine) and notification of further Club events throughout the year and contact through email.
Personal information will be available to current Committee members only and will not be passed to any third party. Consent is also sometimes required to include details in the Members newsletter (Torque magazine) together with photographs as required, also on the Club’s website and Facebook for publicity purposes.
Personal details will be kept for the duration of Membership and can be accessed, amended or deleted at anytime by contacting the membership secretary. Complaints can be addressed to the ‘Chairman of the South Leicester MG Club’.
If you are in agreement with the above and wish to receive the monthly newsletter (Torque Magazine) including photos and relevent information please tick the box on the membership form.